Birthday Email Automate Sender

Birthday Email Automate Sender

This app will help you not to forget your loved ones’ birthdays and send them emails when it is their birthday.


  1. You must have an email account without google security and enter your email and password in the code.
  2. Create a file called birthdays.csv and insert info like this : name,email,year,month,day example: Test_Name,[email protected],1999,03,10
  3. Download the letter_1, letter_2, letter_3 and put them in a folder called letter_templates
  4. Edit the letter_1 – 3 and change the msg


import datetime as dt
import pandas
import random
import smtplib

# Email and password.

my_email = "GMAIL EMAIL"
password = "PASSWORD"

# Date format.
now =
month = now.month
day =
today = (month, day)

# Read the birthday files.
data = pandas.read_csv("birthdays.csv")
new_dict = {(data_row.month, data_row for (index, data_row) in data.iterrows()}

# Check if the Today day and month are in the list.
if (month, day) in new_dict:
    birthday_person = new_dict[today]
    with open(f"letter_templates/letter_{random.randint(1, 3)}.txt") as file_data:
        new_data =
        new_data = new_data.replace("[NAME]", birthday_person["name"])

    with smtplib.SMTP("") as connection:
        connection.login(user=my_email, password=password)
        connection.sendmail(from_addr=my_email, to_addrs=birthday_person["email"],
                            msg=f"Subject:Happy Birthday!\n\n{new_data}")

        print(f"The happy-birthday email has been sent to {birthday_person['email']} with the msg {new_data}")
    print("The email has not been sent ! No one has a birthday today!")

Files to download:

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